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Monday, July 30, 2012

The Savage Grace

THE SAVAGE GRACE by Bree Despain (The third- and last- book in The Dark Divine series) so that means *SPOILERS*
The Savage Grace (Dark Divine Series #3)
I just finished reading this book today - and I'll try to review it...objectively. But really, this book was SO GOOD!! So here's the summary from Barnes and Noble
Grace's life is a mess. Daniel is still a werewolf, Talbot can't be trusted, and Caleb is still out there. With Sirhan's impending death, war seems imminent. Will Grace give in to the wolf to save her family? What will happen to Daniel . . . and can their love survive one last test?
This is my favorite book in the series...I'm still living in it's world even though I've started reading Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter.

I love Daniel and Grace's relationship - it felt genuine and like a healthy relationship. They're like a scale - the power is balanced and the girl doesn't have to depend on the guy. They're equals.

Grace feels like a real person, and a good one. She has flaws but she has so many conflicts thrown at her, and she's only human. But she deals with everything...with grace. Heh. She character grows and develops as she struggles internally and externally.

We also get to see lots of the characters' motives for actions, betrayals, and for what Jude did in the last book.

I could not put this book down, and the plot was entertaining and full of action. The story progresses quickly, but feels right, not rushed. The story never lagged, and the 400 something pages flew by.

Okay...bear with me while I sift through my memory for anything bad...anytime I wanted to skip pages? No. Anything slow? No. Character developments? Yes, definitely there. OH - there were seriously a lot of grammer errors and typos. In my fully published print book. And I missed Daniel SPOILER he wasn't in the book until about a third through.

This book was a nice - and very intense- wrap up to the trilogy. Easily the best book in the series. It's bittersweet, and also left some loose ends for maybe (hoping) a possible sequel? Fingers crossed!

Clockwork Princess Magnus teaser

Cassie Clare posted this teaser today - enjoy!
“I am not at your beck and call,” Magnus said. “I helped with de Quincey because Camille requested it of me, and Will once, because he offered me a favor in return. I am a warlock. And I do not serve Shadowhunters for free.”

For fan art, older teasers and answers to your  TMI or TID FAQs, go to

Luke and Madame Dorathea's Casting

The City of Bones movie is only... 13 months away...Well, here's some casting news to keep you sane!
Aidan Turner.
Guess who he's playing? I hope it's obvious. LUKE - he seems like a pretty badass librarian. He'll look funny in glasses. He was in Being Human, and will be in the Hobbit.
CCH Pounder as Madame Dorathea.
She plays Mrs. Fredericks in Warehouse 13 (one of my favorite shows!)

With every new casting announcement Cassandra Clare posts on her Tumblr ( I get so excited for the movie!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Help Four!!!

So Divergent is one of my favorite books ever, but FOUR (Tobias) currently has only 38% of the votes, against Magnus's 68%. I love both of these guys, but Four takes my heart and vote. He needs your help! And your friends! And parents! And whoever else! My mom actually made me read Divergent to her, so she loves him just as much as I do. He needs our votes!

Friday, July 20, 2012

City of Bones casting

Casting truths (not rumors) about the City of Bones movie all from Cassandra Clare/s tumblr: coming out 8/23/13
Clary Fray - Lily Collins
From Priest, The Blind Side, ... anyone know where else?
Jace Wayland - Jamie Campbell-Bower
Played... Arthur? in a tv show that I forget the name of. I prefer Merlin <3
Simon Lewis - Robert Sheenan
Well that's certainly a furry hood. Played Nathan in Misfits?
Isabelle Lightwood - Jemima West
...I don't know where she's from. Anyone?
Magnus- Godfrey Gao
I think he played the designer of the robot Zeus in Real Steel? Haha he acted so crazy there. I love when he punched the screen.

Joceyln Fray - Lena Headey
Recognize from Game of Thrones? She played Cersei.

Hodge Starkweather - Jared Harris
     He's played Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

Also, Valentine's minions -
Blackwell - Robert Maillet
Apparently whacked Robert Downey Jr with a mallet in the 2nd Sherlock Holmes.
And Pangborn - Kevin Durand
 He was one of those bad aliens from I Am Number Four. I'm sure he'll look much more human in City of Bones. Well, at least minus the gills and tiny sharp teeth.

And some related news - cover of Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices)
Now THIS is ... MY FAVORITE SERIES EVER!!!!! Tied with Divergent.

The Iron Fey Series

OH MY GOSH!!!! IT'S MY VERY FIRST PUBLISHED BOOK REVIEW! I. am. so. excited. So let's get to it.
The Iron Fey series

This is one of my favorite book series. It's a finished series, so no waiting in agony for the next book, except for a short novella being released later this year.
The Iron King summary from B&N **** (4 stars) from me
"Meghan Chase has a secret destiny—one she could never have imagined…
Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school…or at home.
When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she's known is about to change.
But she could never have guessed the truth—that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil no faery creature dare face…and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.
2011 RITA Winner for Young Adult Romance"

The first time I saw this book it wasn't love at first sight...I don't really know why. It wasn't until probably about a year later that I finally bought it and thank god I did! Strangely, this used to be the case for most of the books I loved, but thankfully I have since then improved in my book-spotting. This book has a good plot, character development, adventure, magic, romance, action... and the pros majorly outweigh the cons.

Why you should read it: The main character, Megan, is relatable and easy to connect. We pretty much know what she is thinking and there are rarely any, if at all present, out of character decisions. Sometimes, when you think about a book, you realize that if you were the main character, you'd probably be dead by least in my case :) The characters perform actions that seem out of the blue or come to conclusions and know information that no normal teen knows. Most of Megan's actions are things that normal teenagers would do...when faced with faeries, new powers, hot princes and best friends... Well, you know what I mean.

The series has an exicting storyline that progresses through all 4 books and the extra e-books. The characters are interesting, likable (except for a certain portion of The Iron Queen, but it's intentional) and often funny. The fourth book is my most favorite-est ever (to borrow the words of my 5 year old self) for REASONS. (a.k.a. spoilers) It's bittersweet, sometimes sad, and still happy in an amazing way. The fourth book also has the most romance, I think. ** minor spoiler** It is told in the perspective of a certain love interest on a quest to be with his twuuueee woveee *baby voice (or Princess Bride voice) for true love* **spoiler end**

The two guys in the novel, are of course, extremely hot, and very different. Puck is, well, the Puck from the play - mischevious, scheming, funny, sometimes careless, and yet very sweet to those he cares about ;) Also, a ginger, that can spontaneously transform into a raven and flyyy (so jealous).
Ash is that tall dark stranger that all the girls, in the book and I'm sure in real life too, stare after all starry eyed. He is the ice prince of the the Unseelie Court. Also a total badass- he hasn't seen a lot of love from his family ( :'( imagining tiny Ash being yelled at by mom) but it's only made him tougher. He is an awesome horse rider, or to use a fancy word, equestrian, and HE CAN SHOOT ICE DAGGERS FROM HIS HAND or turn a room into an ice skating rink. He is an awesome sword fighter, wielding an ice sword with deadly precision. To sum it up, he's beautiful and dangerous, just like winter.

There are some aspects of the series that make this series ONE of my favorites, but not my favorite ever.
First of all, the plot, especially of the first book, is similar to the Percy Jackson series, including, but not limited to,
  • Teen finds out father is an important person...god/king
  • An oracle
  • Has powers
Well, there may be more, but that's all I can think of now. One other thing is that, at some parts, the plot kinda occasionally drags. I'm not sure if it's the extra descriptions, but sometimes I would just scan a paragraph until I got to a good part. It wasn't that big of a deal for me, but one friend who I lent it too kept complaining about it. She said it got better during the 2nd book. (BTW SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH THE 4TH BOOK)
So! Go out and buy your copy today, available for $9.95 at
OHHHHH and ASH is currently up against Aiden from Half-Blood and it's abotu a tie. He needs all your votes to push ahead! Go vote!!! :) --->>

7/20/12 - and the YA crush tourney!

Today marks a momentuous occasion: the day that I decided to start a blog about young adult books. I will make it my mission to keep you updated about all the latest YA book news, my dedicated (and imaginary) readers. Well, I'm sure that after two months of no one reading this I will probably just get bored and stop... But as my mom always says, I'll charge it to experience :)
My first shout out will be to promote the 2nd annual YA crush tournament being held at the YA sisterhood ( All your favorite YA heroes are in here, with the exception of everyone's favorite golden boy Jace from City of Bones - who currently holds the title of the YA crush king, along with his queen Clary.
And so here starts my little experiment, born of a listless summer vacation- let's see how it turns out!